foresee thatの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. "I can't foresee that happening,"
  2. We don't foresee that at this time ."
  3. "I don't really foresee that,"
  4. "I don't foresee that happening ."
  5. I foresee that pretax income will continue to develop favorably during 1995.


  1. "forescout网络准入控制系统"の例文
  2. "forescu"の例文
  3. "forese"の例文
  4. "forese donati"の例文
  5. "foresee"の例文
  6. "foreseeability"の例文
  7. "foreseeability of law"の例文
  8. "foreseeable"の例文
  9. "foreseeable damages"の例文
  10. "foreseeable future"の例文
  11. "forese donati"の例文
  12. "foresee"の例文
  13. "foreseeability"の例文
  14. "foreseeability of law"の例文

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